TE_CONContaminant Reduction | TE_CON_DECContaminant Degradation | TE_CON_DEC_AOOxidation | TE_CON_DEC_ASAmmonia Sanitisation | TE_CON_DEC_STStorage | TE_CON_DEC_THThermal Treatment | TE_CON_DEC_PHModification |
| TE_CON_REMContaminant Removal | TE_CON_REM_CSContaminant Sorption | TE_CON_REM_MFMembrane Filtration | TE_CON_REM_TTThermochemical Treatment | TE_CON_REM_ETElectrodialytic Treatment |
TE_WEXWater Extraction | TE_WEX_FRTFreezing and Thawing | TE_WEX_FRT_FCFreeze Concentration |
| TE_WEX_VAPVaporization | TE_WEX_VAP_EVEvaporation | TE_WEX_VAP_DIDistillation |
| TE_WEX_MEMMembrane Separation – WEX | TE_WEX_MEM_HGMembrane with Hydraulic Gradient | TE_WEX_MEM_OGMembrane with Osmotic Gradient | TE_WEX_MEM_TGMembrane with Thermal Gradient |
| TE_WEX_PHYPhysical Separation | |
TE_NUTNutrient Extraction | TE_NUT_PRECrystallisation | TE_NUT_PRE_CPChemical Precipitation | TE_NUT_PRE_EPElectrochemical Precipitation | TE_NUT_PRE_BMBiomineralisation | TE_NUT_PRE_GRGranulation |
| TE_NUT_AMMAmmonia Release and Capture | TE_NUT_AMM_ASAir Stripping | TE_NUT_AMM_MSMembrane Stripping | TE_NUT_AMM_VSVacuum Stripping | TE_NUT_AMM_TPThermal Stripping | TE_NUT_AMM_SSSteam Stripping | TE_NUT_AMM_ESElectrochemical Stripping |
| TE_NUT_MEMMembrane Separation – NUT | TE_NUT_MEM_OGMembrane with Osmotic Gradient | TE_NUT_MEM_EGMembrane with Electrochemical Gradient | TE_NUT_MEM_HGMembrane with Hydraulic Gradient |
| TE_NUT_SORSorption | TE_NUT_SOR_ASSorption to Sorbent | TE_NUT_SOR_ADSorption and Desorption |
| TE_NUT_PROProtein Growth | TE_NUT_PRO_MIMicrophyte Growth | TE_NUT_PRO_MAMacrophyte Growth |
| TE_NUT_PEXPhosphorus Release | TE_NUT_PEX_TEThermal Extraction | TE_NUT_PEX_BSBiosolubilisation | TE_NUT_PEX_CEWet Chemical Extraction | TE_NUT_PEX_EEElectrochemical Extraction |
| TE_NUT_NEXNitrogen Release | | TE_NUT_EXTNutrient Release | |
TE_BDCBiological Decomposition | TE_BDC_DIGDigestion Processes | TE_BDC_DIG_ADAnaerobic Digestion | TE_BDC_DIG_FEFermentation |
| TE_BDC_CMPComposting Processes | TE_BDC_CMP_BCBacterial Composting | TE_BDC_CMP_FCFungal Composting | TE_BDC_CMP_WCWorm Composting | TE_BDC_CMP_ICInsect Composting | TE_BDC_CMP_TPTerra Preta |
TE_TDCThermal Decomposition | TE_TDC_THEThermal Processes | TE_TDC_THE_COCombustion | TE_TDC_THE_GAGasification | TE_TDC_THE_PYPyrolysis |
| TE_TDC_HYDHydrothermal Processes | TE_TDC_HYD_HCHydrothermal Carbonisation | TE_TDC_HYD_HGHydrothermal Gasification | TE_TDC_HYD_HLHydrothermal Liquefaction | TE_TDC_HYD_HOHydrothermal Oxidation |
TE_OTHOther | TE_OTH_FERFertilizer Production | |
TE_XXXNot Specified | TE_XXX_XXXNot Specified | TE_XXX_XXX_XXNot Specified |