An online evidence platform to explore the scientific literature on the recovery and reuse of plant nutrients found in human excreta and domestic wastewater.

Our ambition is to help diverse actors around the world find and navigate this literature and stay on top of new findings.

Ultimately, we hope to contribute to increased nutrient circularity in a way that supports healthy water, soil, food, and people.

For questions or suggestions, please contact us at info@egestabase.net.

Egestabase Research currently features over 13 000 research papers published before 31-12-2023. These papers span across over 300 clusters of similar research.

How to Cite Egestabase

Harder R, Metson GS, Macura B, Johannesdottir S, Wielemaker RC, Seddon D, Lundin E, Aliahmad A, Kärrman E, McConville JR. Egestabase – an online evidence platform to discover and explore options to recover plant nutrients from human excreta and domestic wastewater for reuse in agriculture. MethodsX 12 (2024) 102774.

Bibliographic Data Source

About the Name EGESTABASE

The name for our evidence platform emerged as combination of the terms egesta and database. The term egesta refers to ‘Matter digested from the body, as excrement or other waste’ (dictionary.com). Our use of the term is inspired by the Egesta Lab at the University of British Columbia. As suggested by Dr. Gunilla Öberg of the Egesta Lab, the term egesta is not tied to a certain way of thinking and thus invites us to re-frame challenges and opportunities as well as re-imagine workable solutions.